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Race-Based Employment Discrimination: What African Americans Should Know

Most Americans work every day. Jobs help us pay our bills, feed our families, and provide us with a sense of security. While nearly everyone must work, getting and keeping work is particularly important for African Americans. Because of the historical wealth gap, African Americans cannot rely on other sources of wealth to meet their needs. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that African Americans are more likely than members of other races to work two or more jobs at the same time.

End-of-Life Planning for African Americans: 5 Necessary Documents

It’s often said that nothing in life is certain, except death. While nothing can prepare a family for the emotional experience of losing a loved one, families can prepare for the legal and medical situations that happen near life’s end. This process – known as end-of-life planning – can help prevent knotty legal problems from arising during an already emotional time. End-of-life planning is particularly important for African Americans. Read on to learn about seven documents every family should p

What to Expect When Meeting With a Lawyer for the First Time

Meeting with a lawyer can be stressful for many reasons. Usually, the events that created the need for a lawyer in the first place – a serious car accident, the breakdown of a marriage, the death of a loved one – are stressful. The thought of spending money on an attorney can cause even more stress. A fear of the unknown can also add to the pressure. This piece will try to reduce some of the stress by explaining what potential clients should know when meeting with a lawyer for the first time. I

Religious Freedom: What African Americans Need to Know

The freedom to practice one’s religion is a cherished American right.  Many of those present during the framing of the U.S. Constitution experienced religious persecution at the hands of the British.  Therefore, they wanted to ensure that the new nation valued religious freedom. However, like other constitutional rights, the stakes are often higher for people of color.  Therefore, African Americans should take the time to learn their constitutional rights.  This post will explain why religious

When to Hire a Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer can be a frustrating process.  Finding a qualified attorney takes time.  Moreover, lawyers cost money.  Given the emotional and financial costs, it’s no wonder many people decide to handle their legal matters themselves.  These pressures are sharply felt by African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans.  A recent ABA study found that these groups are far more likely than whites to enter the courthouse without representation. However, those who want to serve as their own counse

Drunk Driving Law and the African American Community

Drunk driving is an American epidemic.  According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, each year, nearly 800 people are injured by drivers operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Certain times are worse for drunk driving than others.   More drunk driving injuries occur at night than during the day.  And sadly, though the winter holiday season brings joy and merriment, it also brings two of the deadliest DUI days of the year – Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.   As we enter this festive se

Five Legal Issues Facing African American Veterans

Veteran’s Day is Monday, November 12.  First established in 1919, the holiday gives Americans an opportunity to thank those who serve in the military.  Like other Americans, African Americans serve their nation with pride.  Currently, nearly 12 percent of all veterans are African American.    Experts predict that the number of Black veterans will jump as America’s population diversifies.  As the number of African American veterans grows, they will face the issues that all veterans face, as well

Domestic Violence Law: What African Americans Need to Know

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Domestic Violence affects many Americans.  According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, each minute, 20 people are abused by a domestic partner.   This means that each year, more than 10 million women and men experience domestic violence each year. Domestic violence victims span all races, genders, religions, sexual orientations, regions, and family backgrounds.  But for the Black community, the issues are different.  According to

Legal Issues Facing the African American LGBT Community

October is LGBT History Month.  While the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community is far too often depicted as white in popular media, African Americans represent a significant portion of the LGBT population.  According to the latest data, five percent of African Americans identify as LGBT. Racism makes like difficult for all people of color.  But because of their multiple identities,  LGBT people of color must combat racism, sexism, and homophobia – often at the same time. Mor

Legal Tips for Seniors and their Caregivers

The number of Americans over age 65 is rapidly increasing.  According the AARP, the number of older African Americans increased from 8.3 percent to 9.0 percent from 2006 to 2016.  The Census Bureau reports that this growth will continue over the next few decades.  As the number of older African Americans increases, they and those who care for them must prepare for their care and finances.  This article will provide legal tips for seniors and their caregivers. While caring for a parent may be a

Dying without a Will: Hazardous to Your Wealth

Earlier this month, singing legend Aretha Franklin passed away.   She left behind her partner, children, grandchildren, friends, and a legion of fans.  However, she did not leave a will.  Though the Queen of Soul had a voice like no one else, dying without a will (also known as dying intestate) places her in a common situation.  According to recent reports, only 42 percent of Americans have wills.  Among African Americans, the number drops to 32 percent.  This post will explain the difficulties

5 Laws All New Black Entrepreneurs Should Know

Small businesses drive the American economy.  Despite their importance, the number of Americans starting businesses has declined over the past thirty years.   Though fewer Americans are starting businesses overall, people of color are opening businesses at a record-breaking pace.  The United States Black Chambers of Commerce states, “In 2012, there were 1.9 million Black businesses. In Fall 2015, there were over 2.6 million.”   Because August is Black Business Month, this post will cover the law

The School to Prison Pipeline: What Black Parents Need to Know

As mentioned in our last post, parents are preparing their families for the new school year.  Though most parents and children look forward to the new school year, no parent looks forward to notes or calls about behavior issues.  While all parents dread these conversations, Black parents have more reason to be concerned.  For African American children, what begins in school often ends in court.  This piece will provide information Black parents need to know about the school to prison pipeline.

The Legal Rights of African American Children in the Classroom

August means Back to School.  While all parents will need to purchase school supplies, schedule physicals, and reestablish bedtime routines, some parents must prepare to fight for their child’s right to learn.  Students with learning challenges have the right to special assistance in the classroom.  This article will give an overview of the legal rights of African American children in the classroom. When it comes to African American children and learning differences, two different concerns are

Dog Ownership: Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Dogs are the most popular pets in America. Thus, it is no surprise that dogs are also popular in African American households. Though dogs bring joy to their owners, they also bring many responsibilities. The Labrador you love could make you legally liable. Your collie could land you in court. This post will discuss some of the legal issues associated with dog ownership. One of the key things to understand about dogs is that they are regulated on several levels. Laws concerning dogs are found at

Summer Safety: 5 Laws for a Safe Summer

Summer is the season for barbecues, boats, and beaches.  While these activities are fun, they also cause many lawsuits each year.  Here are five summer safety laws to help you hit the pool or the grill without getting hit with a lawsuit. Barbeques serve up delicious food – and multiple opportunities for legal trouble.   Because grilling involved flame, fire is a constant concern.  From 2012-2016, grill burns sent over 8,000 people to the emergency room.  Grill fires also cause nearly 10,000

Five Areas of the Law that Musicians Should Know

Each June, America celebrates African American Music Appreciation Month.  The month highlights the contributions of the many famous African American artists who have enriched American culture.  However, artists at all levels -famous or not – must protect themselves legally.  All working musicians and performers need to know to the law to ensure that they do make costly mistakes.  Here are five areas of the law that musicians should know before hitting the stage. Whether you perform at major sta

Fathers' Legal Rights: What You Need to Know

This weekend, Americans will take a moment to celebrate the men that raised them.   Though fathers in years past were known for being hands-off, today’s fathers are more involved in their children’s lives than fathers of prior generations.   In fact, a majority of today’s dads want to spend more time with their children.  However, the number of single fathers and co-parenting fathers has also risen over the years.   Whether married, single, cohabitating, or divorced, all dads have certain legal

Weddings and the Law: What you Need to Know Before Your Big Day

A wedding is a joyous event.   However, it is also a formal occasion that requires extensive planning.  Couples and their families are willing to endure the stress because they hope that their efforts will result in a beautiful, memorable wedding day.  But sometimes, the unthinkable happens: an engagement is broken, a vendor doesn’t show, or a cake is destroyed.  This post will explain a few key points to know about weddings and the law. When it comes to weddings and the law, vendor contract

Maternity Leave: Your Rights As a Working Mother

This Sunday, Americans will celebrate Mother’s Day.  The holiday encourages us to honor the women who give us love, support, and care during the early years of life and beyond.  However, providing so much nurturing is not easy, especially in the beginning.  Women take maternity leave after giving birth to recover from labor and to bond with the baby.  However, maternity leave policies in the United States are extremely stingy.  Sadly, these skimpy maternity leave policies have a disparate impact
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